Monday, April 29, 2013

7 Signs She Is Interested In You

Here are seven signs she is interested in you;

  1. You catch her staring at you often. Does she steal glances at you now and then? And every time you look at her, does she blush and look away? If a girl can’t stop staring at you, especially when you’re busy or occupied with something else, it’s a good sign to show that she has something romantic in mind when it comes to your thoughts.
  2. She seems to take extra special care of her looks when you’re around. If a girl takes out time to look extra pretty because of you, then it’s very likely that she has feelings for you. If you notice her constantly adjusting her hair or fidgeting with her clothes, then she might be thinking of having you for more than just a friend.
  3.  Her friends seem excited. She seems nervous. One of the easiest ways to find out if a girl likes you is by watching her behaviour when she’s with her friends. Do you see her friends smiling mischievously at her and at each other while she looks shy and uncomfortable? Then it’s very likely she’s into you.
  4. She wants to know your relationship status. If a girl wants to be your girlfriend, she’ll find a way to ask if you’re single or taken. She might do this under the guise of asking about past relationships and try to make it a general conversation but most of the time, a girl who wants to know if you’re available or not is most likely doing it for her own personal reasons.
  5. She makes sure you know that she’s single and available. She might not scream it from the rooftop but she’ll find a way to let you know that she doesn’t have a man in her life.
  6. She always wants to be with you. If a girl likes you, she’ll find a way to always have you around. She might arrange to be somewhere because she knew you’d be there or she’ll find one excuse or the other to hang out with you. She’ll also want to talk to you often either via chatting or phone calls or texts.
  7. She gets jealous when you ignore her. Does this girl get annoyed when you talk a lot to some other girl? Does she pass a funny remark or pull your leg saying you’re attracted to the other girl just because you had a friendly conversation with that girl? She may be jealous on the inside and this may point to the fact that she likes you.
Of course, individually, these factors might not mean a girl likes you but if she’s exhibiting many or even all of these signs, then it’s very likely that she wants you to be her man so go for it!

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