Wednesday, June 5, 2013

“French Kiss” Finally Enters French Dictionary

For centuries, there’s been no official French word for the sloppy Gallic export “to French kiss” — though that certainly hasn’t stopped any citizen from doing so.
Now the oversight has been rectified.
The one-word verb “galocher” — to kiss with tongues — is among new entries added to the “Petit Robert” 2014 French dictionary.
It may surprise many that France , is only just linguistically embracing the popular pastime.
The term “French kiss” — once also called a “Florentine kiss” — is popularly considered to have been brought back to the English-speaking world by soldiers returning from Europe after World War I. At the time, the French had a reputation for more adventurous sexual practices.
Laporte said “galocher” was a slang term that’s been around for a while “but only now is it being officially recognized in a French dictionary.”

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